The TCF began in 1988 when a group of Torontonians in business, teaching and academia came together to consider ways in helping alleviate poverty and need in Calcutta. We comprise an international executive (board of directors) in Toronto, with supporting members-at-large, and a management board in Calcutta.
All our organizing and fund raising in Toronto, and some in Calcutta, is done by volunteers. The international executive has no paid staff and these officers absorb the almost all regular administrative costs in Canada. Thus, practically all the money raised in Canada goes directly to the Calcutta board.
Funds are raised in Toronto through local events, an annual mail request, and the employees’ charitable funds of several large corporations and banks, such as Suncor, Ontario Hydro and The Royal Bank. We co-operate with other organizations (such as Toronto Sanskriti Sangstha) and have managed joint events with, for instance, Results Canada and Gems of Hope.
Since 2012 TCF has been parternering with Women's Habitat (WH) for Girlz Space Program where TCF funds the whole program and WH runs the program for young girls between the age 8 and 16 years. The program is specifically and carefully designed to reduce isolation, boost self-confidence, build valuable leadership skills, and encourage goal setting.
Each year several members from Toronto spend some time in Calcutta on project development and programme review.
The Toronto-Calcutta Foundation is registered with the Canadian government as a charity and participates in Canada’s annual “United Way†community fund-raising appeal. The TCA is registered in India to receive foreign funds and under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act.
TCF, in Calcutta area, will endevour to provide the poorest sections of the population support in areas of:
1) Healthcare towards a healthier and better quality of life and
2) Education and Vocational Training to prepare them to advance to higher levels of learning required in this information driven society.
TCF believes that through such TCF efforts these sections of the population, who without such oppotunities and facilities often become a burden to society, will get a fairer chance to become more effective and contributory citizens.
TCF, in Toronto area, will endevour to support women and young girls traumatized by adverse family situations and to provide them with opportunities to enhance their leadership and motivational skills and by oganizing for their health and other such programs.
TCF believes that such encouragements and on-ground assistance will enable these women and girls to become, once again, vibrant members of the Canadian society and contribute to its development.
(The Toronto-Calcutta Foundation (TCF) is a non-profit organization devoted to the well-being of needy people in Kolkata and its surrounding areas. TCF funds, supports and/or manages projects that address local needs related to health, education or employment skills.)
(Registered with the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Government of West Bengal, TCF through its Calcutta chapter and in partnership with local communities, is working towards sustainable development.)